Fictional Writing Responce

I am a person who enjoys fictional writing. It is very interesting to see what characters people can come up with. I also like to see how a writer can twist and turn a character’s life. My favorite fictional story was “Obsessions” in the Goldberg story pack. Even though many writers will not admit it, they often write about the object of their obsession. Whether it is a person, an animal, a place that they like to visit, their obsessions can be found through out their work. In the second short story packet, the story “Internal”, it shows how characters can become obsessed as well. The two interns became obsessed with observing each other to the point where their decaying minds and bodies did not even matter to them, just as long as they where at the holes so they try to see if they could get glimpse of each other.

To me creating fictional writing is kind of like an art. You have to create a main character that everyone likes and can relate to. You have to be able to paint a picture in your reader’s mind of what you want them to see. When I am writing fictional stories and cannot think about anything to write about, I often write about the people around me and the situations that they go through or something that I have been through. I also like to write about my obsessions and one of them happens to be supernatural creatures. I love writing about the supernatural because it is very interesting subject and it holds my attention. On rare occasions, I like to personify objects to give my stories more personality.

I really like reading and writing fictional stories. They hold my attention better than any other writing genre. Even though writing fictional stores can be a pain, especially when you are suffering from writer’s block, it is still a good experience to have in the back of your mind.

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